Windy City Playhouse’s critically acclaimed production of Gina Gionfriddo’s “Becky Shaw” has extended its run through December 10. Directed by Jeff Award winner Scott Weinstein, the show opened on September 28 to highly favorable reviews, with Chris Jones of Chicago Tribune calling it “wise, complex, and really very moving. Funny, too,” and Buzz Center Stage deeming the show “funny and provocative.” Picture This Post said it was “impeccably directed” and Performink called it “a must see.”
The show stars Carley Cornelius as the titular character, giving a “cagey, virtuosic performance that makes you unable to turn away” (Chicago Sun-Times). “Becky Shaw” also features Michael Doonan as Max Garrett, Suzanne Petri as Susan Slater, Michael Aaron Pogue as Andrew Porter and Amy Rubenstein as Suzanna Slater. Performed at Windy City Playhouse, 3014 W. Irving Park Road, the production has broken all box office records at the theater. Tickets ($25-$65) for “Becky Shaw” are available at the Windy City Playhouse Box Office online or by calling the Box Office at (773) 891-8985
“Scott Weinstein directs this sleek production at the even sleeker Windy City Playhouse space…” Buzz Center Stage said. “Something about the orientation of the theater makes this telling more than a typical play. A really unique experience that may be as memorable as the play itself.”
Windy City Playhouse’s intimate venue aims to make audience members part of the action. Scenic designer for “Becky Shaw” Jeffrey Kmiec has conceived a uniquely immersive, 360-degree viewing experience that makes viewing as exclusive as possible. 70 of Windy City Playhouse’s signature club chair-style seats are integrated into the three-stage modular set that transforms each night into seven unique locations. The audience gets the feeling of being a fly on the wall as we follow the characters through a blind date gone awry.
In addition to director Scott Weinstein, the creative team for “Becky Shaw” includes Jeffrey D. Kmiec(Scenic Design), Rachel M. Sypniewski (Costume Design), Brandon Wardell (Lighting Design), Eric Backus (Sound Design) and Jamie Karas (Properties Design). Mara Filler is the Production Stage Manager and Johnnie Schleyer is the Technical Director.
The performance schedule for “Becky Shaw” is as follows: Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m. For a detailed performance schedule visit Shaw. Tickets for “Becky Shaw” are on sale now and range from $25-$65—with discounts available for seniors and students—and can be purchased by calling 773-891-8985 or visiting
About Windy City Playhouse
Windy City Playhouse, Chicago’s most sophisticated not-for-profit Equity theater, aims to expand beyond the traditional theatergoing experience by offering audience members a night of high-quality entertainment with a welcoming full-service bar in a lounge-like atmosphere with a fireplace and luxurious seating designed to foster pre and post-performance conversations. Windy City Playhouse commits itself to audience-first programming and to presenting contemporary, diverse and humorous plays. Every aspect of the theater—the bar, décor and overall atmosphere—breaks down the formality and rigidity of the typical theater going experience. Lauded by audiences and critics alike, Windy City Playhouse promises to rock Chicago’s theater scene.