SHOWBIZ NATION LIVE! with Michael Roberts November 24, 2014 ; Episode Guests: GOV. JESSE VENTURA/ Producers JIM BURBA & BOB HAYES

SHOWBIZ NATION LIVE! with Michael Roberts November 24, 2014 ; Episode Guests: Gov. Jesse Ventura/ Jim Burba & Bob Hayes
conspiracy-theory-with-jesse-venturaFormer Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura joins us for a lively discussion on the current state of America’s political system and Producers Jim Burba and Bob Hayes (one of OUT Magazine’s 10 Power Couples) discuss their film Space Station 76 and other upcoming projects .  Watch Gov. Ventura’s hit online show OFF THE GRID on    Co-Hosts: Barbara Fitos & Tony Sweet.

Visit information of Jim Burba and Bob Hayes, visit BurbaHayes.comBurbaHayes (1)

Showbiz Nation Live! with Michael Roberts airs on Monday’s from 8-9pm on the Universal Broadcasting Network.