Showbiz Chicago Photo Spotlight: Chicago Yacht Club Cruise for the Visually Impaired Co-Sponsored by Wintrust

Showbiz Chicago Photo Spotlight: Chicago Yacht Club Cruise for the Visually Impaired Co-Sponsored by Wintrust 1 Showbiz Chicago's Stacey Crawley took park in the Chicago Yacht Club Cruise for the Visually Impaired Co-Sponsored by Wintrust that took place Tuesday, August 23 at the Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E. Monroe. There were over 100 participants from The Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired as well as volunteers from the Chicago Yacht Club and Wintrust.

Showbiz Chicago’s Stacey Crawley took park in the Chicago Yacht Club Cruise for the Visually Impaired Co-Sponsored by Wintrust that took place Tuesday, August 23 at the Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E. Monroe. There were over 100 participants from The Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired as well as volunteers from the Chicago Yacht Club and Wintrust.